Friday, May 17, 2013

Cat scan ...

Hey :)
Sorry i haven't updated you for a while( My bad....) but I've been kinda busy this week, I've been getting a grind in business and maths and history :o i no .... bleh
When i was in crumlin getting my last ever doxirubun chemo ,(which takes 48 hours, and then you can go home), I had to get a cat scan before I went home down D: to be honest i was terrified because i thought it was the same as a MRI , and I'm a bit Claustrophobic so.... but it turns out it wasn't that bad, so anyway that was last week, and i got my results today and ( drum roll please:D ) , It turns out after my next two chemos (and then I'm done :D forever) i can get all of my fixator off :D and then I'll have a cast on for a few weeks :/  you're probably a tiny bit confused now :L the cat scan was to see when i could get my fixator off , which is soon , Thank god.x

I'm actually so glad it's nearly over, and to anyone who has cancer, It gets better :)x and Stay strongx, I know that sounds very cliche ... sorryxx

Bye :)x

and R.I.P to Donald Walsh, Everyone say a prayer for his familyxx